White House Calls the National Guard Story ‘Fake News,’ Scott Pruitt Confirmed: P.M. Links

Yeah Gen Z is also going to be wildly more successful too. I’m 30 so the top bracket of millennial and a know of several in their late 20s with no ambition, no drive to work, blame everyone else, etc.

Then I talk with my 13yo cousin and get hope, because at 12 he was working over the summer and loved it, and he is also an entrepreneur. I know people over 2x his age that are just protest machines for the left, don’t work hard, blame others, and this kid is out doing more. He also said he loved to work because “they don’t treat me like a kid; they treat me like an equal”. I’ve also talked to his friends who know more about computers and programming then several vendors I’ve had to work with.

At a work conference, it came up that many millennials are doing the right thing, working hard, taking responsibility, etc, but many arn’t, and they are in danger of being leapfrogged by the generation behind them.

I would glady hire my cousin or one of his techy friends over some of the other people I know, who can only blame others for their faults and never improve themselves.