Sweden ‘Trying to Get Clarity’ on Trump Comment, Trump Meets With NSA Candidates in Florida, Hidden Continent Under New Zealand: A.M. Links

The map in the linked story about the continent under New Zealand fails to show India as a separate plate India is on a separate plate that slammed into Asia–hence the Himalayas.


Also, notice that the image manages to show Europe and Asia as two separate plates with a border and two separate colors. Why show some plates and not others?

Is India as much a geological continent as New Zealand?

Did they downplay India’s plate just to play up the novelty of a new continent?

Does this mean Reuters is lying?

Does this mean Reuters is hopelessly ignorant?

Does this mean NBC is a purveyor of fake news?

I don’t think so, but if Trump had referenced that map, he’d be guilty of all those things.

And if he’d denounced that map as an inaccurate lie, the press would act like he was crazy.