Join Reason for a Happy Hour with David Nott in Miami Tonight!

So, this morning on the way to work passed by the pub. Parking lot was empty and blocked off, asking with most of the street. SWAT was there, and pretty much the entire Aurora PD.
Guy in the tatto shop next door was wanted, ran there, locked himself in, armed.
The cops broke the tile by the door of the pub, probably when they brought in the robot. Not sure what they were planning, but the panels for the drop ceiling are disturbed. Of course, the wall between the two units goes to the roof, as anyone could have told them.
Twenty yes ago they would have waited him out, which is what happened anyways. He gave up. Somehow, after he was in custody, the police broke the glass in the tattoo shop door.
Violent, militarized, impatient, careless of other’s property. And profoundly ignorant of how buildings are constructed.