Webb Formally Announces, Sanders Rakes in Donations, Trio Apply for Marriage Licenses: P.M. Links


“3 reasons the American Revolution was a mistake”

“America would have a better system of government if we’d stuck with Britain

“In the US, activists wanting to put a price on carbon emissions spent years trying to put together a coalition to make it happen, mobilizing sympathetic businesses and philanthropists and attempting to make bipartisan coalition — and they still failed to pass cap and trade, after millions of dollars and man hours. In the UK, the Conservative government decided it wanted a carbon tax. So there was a carbon tax. Just like that. Passing big, necessary legislation — in this case, legislation that’s literally necessary to save the planet — is a whole lot easier with parliaments than presidential systems.”

Guys, in other countries you can just pass super sweeping legislation with virtually no checks or balances. Why, when Hitler wanted to pass the Nuremberg Laws, he just did it! No obstructionist Republicans or anything!