‘Trust Us’ Pelosi Discovers She’s Not Being Trusted with NSA Info

Wow, you guys really are delusional.

90% is people lumping liberals in with neoliberals – which you
should recognize as the same as people lumping libertarians in with
conservatives. In fact, liberals aren’t for a single thing you
complain about – except the social programs which enjoy broad
support from everyone except the libertarians.

Do you people really think Al Gore was going to attack Iraq and
write the partiot act? Really? I get that neoliberals are pussies,
but they REACT to conservatives, not lead them. As long as your
team keeps ensuring republican leadership, you’re going to get the
exact opposite of what you want.

Again, when exactly was it that republicans were for a single
policy that you are for – when did they cut SS, cut medicare,
reduce spending, not increase the security state, etc, etc,

I agree that Obama and the neoliberals are awful – but we were a
few liberal primary votes of shutting down this shit a few weeks
ago. This will NEVER happen if you keep running politicians under
team R, voting for team R’s speakers and leaders…which is exactly
what they do.

Hey, has the country ever enacted a libertarian piece of
legislation without the liberals being for it too? No? Keep being
lost in the woods…

Thanks for the answers, I was wondering if opinion had
changed…I see you’re all against progress on any of your fronts,
still….anyways, good luck.