The Police State


Reason and Jest

by Scott Lazarowitz:
the Sheeple …’

This Infowars
reporter interviewed several residents in Watertown, Massachusetts
who suffered through the criminal police siege of their town, with
illegal searches of their persons and their homes, and who were
illegally and criminally forced out of their homes.

As I have already
mentioned, in their ordering people from their homes while the homes
are illegally searched, the police compromised the people’s “right
to be secure,” as the Fourth Amendment describes it. For how “secure”
are people while strangers go through their homes without those
homeowners or residents being there to supervise those cops? Government
bureaucrats are NOT trustworthy, and they prove themselves as such
day after day. As I have mentioned before, all you have to do is
read William
Grigg’s articles
, Radley
or Cop Block and
even the Cato Institute
to understand this.

As seen in
the video posted above, an even further example of these addicted-to-overkill
police compromising of the people’s right to be secure is that after
police searched homes, they left doors open and unlocked. Absolutely

And as far
as searching private property goes, the police need to have a specific
reason to suspect that there is something or someone of a criminal
nature in or on a specific property, they need to have probable
cause and a warrant signed by a judge. For a judge to sign the warrant,
there needs to be probable cause. In Watertown, the police needed
to show that the wanted suspect was likely to be hiding in a specific
house to which the specific warrant (that they didn’t have) applied.
If a judge signs a search warrant without being shown probable cause,
that judge is illegally signing a warrant. Police who use illegally
obtained warrants are criminals. You can’t just do wide, sweeping
fishing expeditions of entire neighborhoods. (Maybe in Nazi Germany
or North Korea perhaps, but not in America in which the government
must follow and obey the rule of law.)

As we can see
from the video, the people of this Watertown neighborhood were frightened
and intimidated by out-of-control, over-zealous cops high on adrenaline.
It would take a lot of guts to actually stand up to them, to not
open the door, and to demand that these armed government bureaucrats
state their specific reason to believe that a specific suspect is
hiding in their specific home. And the people need to demand that
police have a legally-obtained warrant. It would be interesting
to see what would happen if someone with some courage had done that.

Such demands
by the people should also apply if police are searching for drugs,
weapons or other items they believe to be “illegal.”

As Judge Andrew
Napolitano wrote
, the criminal British government bureaucrats of the
time of the American Revolution wrote their own warrants and lacked
suspicion and probable cause, and the criminal government bureaucrats
of the post-9/11 hysteria are also illegally writing their own warrants.
This is shameful, and thoroughly un-American.

And if these
armed government bureaucrats actually broke into such a home in
Watertown or elsewhere, would the owner or resident have a moral
and legal right to defend oneself and one’s family? This, by the
way, is one of the most important reasons why the Second Amendment
was written into the Bill of Rights.

These points
and criticisms are especially relevant now, given that the police
all across America have been knowingly and criminally falsely arresting
and detaining, falsely charging and prosecuting totally innocent
individuals, including planting evidence and lying. (Here is the
on that.)

And we have
cops who do those things in order to meet their arrest quotas.
It’s absolutely sickening. See this
and this
by Radley Balko, William
, and the Young
on the arrest quotas, and Roger Roots on the prosecution
, and more from William Anderson recently on the corruption
of the prosecutors

And there is
the immoral and counter-productive drug war.  Now that the
precedent has been set in Watertown, and given how dishonest police
and prosecutors are now, we will have warrantless, suspicionless,
random sweeping searches of buildings and neighborhoods, without
probable cause, based on baseless “tips” and the “If You See Something
Say Something” campaign. And that will be mainly to do with the
drug war, in which people consuming, buying or selling, or possessing
drugs, are NOT
committing any crime
, and have a right to their freedom
to do such things
. I am sure this Nazi-like policy will also
spread to other areas of life, in which just about everything, every
little innocent and harmless act, has been made into a felony, or
at least a misdemeanor. Just read Harvey Silverglate’s book Three
Felonies a Day
to understand that.

In my opinion,
all this Nazi police-state crap is why we must abolish the government’s
in community policing and security
, and also give the government’s
self-serving monopoly in ultimate
judicial decision-making
the heave-ho.

But as James
Bovard, author of Lost
Rights: The Destruction of American Liberty
, wrote,

One of the
best ways to reduce police brutality is to greatly reduce the
number of laws that police have to enforce. “Order”
is something different from keeping people subdued through sheer
fear of violent government agents.

6, 2013

Lazarowitz [send him
] is a writer and cartoonist, visit his

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Best of Scott Lazarowitz