More Federal Lies

by Edward Group
Healing Center

The CDC just
released its latest numbers on the 2012-13 flu vaccine effectiveness.
(1) The article was picked up by the mainstream media which reported
that the flu vaccine was 56% effective against the flu. The CDC
states, “Confirmation of the protective benefits of the 2012–13
influenza vaccine among persons aged 6 months–64 years offers
further support for the public health benefit of annual seasonal
influenza vaccination and supports the expansion of vaccination,
particularly among younger age groups.” Is the flu vaccine
really 56% effective and should it be expanded? Maybe in the Land
of Oz it is effective and should be expanded, but on our planet
this vaccine is virtually worthless, especially for those who need
it most – the elderly.

I thought it
would take me a few minutes to pour through the data to write this
blog. I was wrong. Slogging through the fog of this article took
me two hours. CDCÂ’s articles are not for the faint of heart.
Some Oompa Loompa CDC employee must be saying, “I can’t
report that the flu vaccine is worthless. I have to manipulate the
numbers to show the vaccine does work.” Manipulate the numbers
is what they did. In fact, what the mainstream media reported was
a vast misrepresentation of the actual data. LetÂ’s take a look
at what I found.

The CDC enrolled
2,697 adults in this study. Let’s first look at the first group – I
will call them Group A– that did not get the flu. Group A consisted
of 1,582 subjects who did not get the flu. In Group A, 793 were
given the vaccine in this group – 50%. So, the CDC can tout a
50% efficacy of the flu vaccine. However, the other 50% of the subjects
did not get the flu vaccine nor did they contract the influenza
virus. I say, these numbers show the ineffectiveness of the flu
vaccine. Since 50% of the subjects did not get the vaccine or get
the flu, where is the effectiveness of the vaccine? As the old WendyÂ’s
commercials stated, “Where’s the beef?”

the rest of the article

12, 2013

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Healing Center