Silver Can Change Your Life

Silver Education Coalition


Silver is a
powerful, natural antibiotic that has been used for thousands of
years, with no harmful side effects ever having being observed.

Great Grandma
put a silver dollar in the milk to keep if from spoiling as it sat
on the back porch in summertime. Also it is well known that the
ancient Greeks knew the medical value of silver. It was observed
that those ancient families who ate from silver utensils rarely
were sick and had few infections. This knowledge passed on to kings,
emperors, sultans and their families and members of their royal
courts. They ate from silver plates, drank from silver cups, used
silver utensils and stored their food in silver containers. As a
result of this use, silver was ever so slightly rubbed off and mixed
in their foods. And after a generation or two, they received the
full benefit from the silver particles which found their way into
the body of these people, hence had little chance of getting any
infectious illness.

These royals
were called Blue Bloods because their skin had a blue tint, due
to the accumulation of minute traces of pure metallic silver. The
common red blooded folk, however, ate from earthenware dishes with
iron utensils and frequently were sick, whilst the royals enjoyed
the freedom from infectious disease as early as from birth. There
are many historical references on Colloidal Silver. One of the most
complete is published in The Lancet dated Dec. 12, 1914.


Colloidal Silver
was in common use in America from the late 1800s until 1938. It
was prescribed for a great variety of diseases and infections. There
were none of today’s antibiotics available, and Colloidal Silver
was used for just about everything. But Colloidal Silver was relatively
expensive back then, just as today’s man made antibiotics are expensive.


Due to a recent
breakthrough in the modernization of an original, pre- 1983 method
of production, a more concentrated product is available at a tremendous
savings in cost. Not only is Colloidal Silver much cheaper than
it used to be, it also is much cheaper than today’s antibiotics.
Furthermore it is available without a prescription.


Today, Colloidal
Silver is rapidly gaining favor in the medical community, reflecting
a kind of revival in the public health sector. Dr. Richard L Davies,
executive director of the Utah Silver Institute, which monitors
silver technology in 37 countries, reported in 1978: In four years
we have described 87 important new medical uses for silver. We are
just beginning to see to what extent silver can relieve suffering
and save lives. Some contemporary references from which this information
is drawn include Dr. Harry Margraf of the St. Louis University,
Dr. Charles Fox of the Columbia University; Dr. Carl Moyer, Dept.
of Surgery at Washington University and the literature of Dr. Robert
Becker- ô The Body Electric and Crosscurrents Other sources
are listed in the references chapter of this booklet.


There are true
Blue Bloods yet today. All those who through the centuries had the
knowledge and resources to use medicinal silver are still Blue Bloods.
(Why give up something that works, is simple, cheap and so important
to good health?) Many of the world leaders presidents, prime ministers,
their families, their advisors and their families use daily Colloidal
Silver. They know that they are exposed to extremely contagious
disease on a almost daily basis because they are in the business
of traveling and meeting many people. By taking Colloidal Silver
daily, they can prevent the otherwise certain eventuality of contracting
infectious disease. There is another group of people who are also
Blue Bloods. These are people who may not have their pictures in
newspapers for making global decisions, but they have learned that
sufficient daily Colloidal Silver will make anyone a true Blue Blood
in about a week, preventing infection thereafter and vastly increasing
the chances of surviving a severe burn injury or an outbreak of
bio toxins and also enjoying an increased rate of healing and better
digestion. They can find no other way so simple, so quick, certain
or so cheap.


A thorough
search reveals that today there are no silver spoons to be found
on the market. If one wanted to purchase real silverware having
pure silver on the business, or ladle end, it would be discovered
that it is not available. There are some brands having silver inlaid
in the ladles, but no silver on the end where it might wear off
ever so slightly to the benefit of the user.


response may vary from the average amount of Colloidal Silver needed
for optimum benefit for most people. About 17 per cent, or one sixth
of the population will find maximum benefit from a less than recommended
daily amount. And about another sixth will find they need to take


the amount needed.

Begin with
the recommended amount of one teaspoon per day. Use half the recommended
amount for young children and one fourth for babies.

After taking
one teaspoon of Colloidal Silver daily for four days, adults may
cut back to one-half teaspoon daily (and proportionally, by body
weight, for children)

The accepted
method is for an adult to consume a 125 ml to 200 ml bottle of Colloidal
Silver monthly, in any convenient increment any time during the

In the event
a person begins taking Colloidal Silver while having a cold or flu
or for any other virus, bacteria or fungus – the daily amount
should begin with triple the dosage (one teaspoon three times a
day) for three days, then follow the above regimen.

Some people
will feel achy and sluggish on the third or fourth day after beginning
Colloidal Silver daily. This is called a healing crisis. When the
body sluffs off a great many entrenched toxins at once, the eliminatory
organs can become overloaded in which case it is recommended to
drink lots of extra water this will lessen the symptoms rapidly.

If a person,
taking the daily amount, finds that he or she will still occasionally
have an infection, one may even quadruple the RDD. There should
be no danger of overdosing; however, very few people ever need four
times the RDD.

Since prevention
is the idea here, one may err on the side of safety by taking slightly
more than a perfect minimum because one never knows when there may
be a sudden major outbreak of some germ in such numbers so as to
overwhelm the combined defenses of an immune system fortified with
only a minimum level of Colloidal Silver. If an attack of germs
happens to be stronger than the immediate combined defense level
of the body’s natural immune system plus a particular level of daily
Colloidal Silver, one may feel some illness, or worse.


Applied kinesiology
is one other means of determining one’s own individual need for
Colloidal Silver, especially if the individual does not have a cold
or other infection to begin with. Recheck from time to time, but
always err on the side of excess. Kinesiology can be the most effective
way to determine the optimum amount for infants, and very young
children also.


Five to seven
days is average for the initial benefit of Colloidal Silver to begin.
Colloidal Silver will build up in the tissues to at least a concentration
of five parts per million (5 ppm) at, on the average, by the tenth
day. This is the minimum effective concentration. Higher concentrations
are desirable, due to the risks of illness from major exposure to
a disease outbreak or major burn injury.

One to three
weeks after cessation (again this varies with each individual) the
Colloidal Silver effectiveness is finally lost and is eliminated
through the kidneys, the lymphatic system and the bowel.


Colloidal Silver
is the only antibiotic known reportedly to kill all types of viruses,
funguses and bacteria. Colloidal Silver is also the only antibiotic
known to be perfectly harmless to all parts of the body. Whilst
the liver and kidneys can be harmed by other antibiotics, Colloidal
Silver promotes healing.


Colloidal Silver
is non-toxic to mammals, reptiles, plants and all living things
that are not of a one celled structure. One-celled life uses a different
method of Oxygen metabolism. herein lies its weakness. Since Colloidal
Silver acts only as a catalyst, meaning, it influences a change
in the rate, or occurrence of a reaction of one-celled organisms,
but does not enter into any chemical reaction with the body tissues.
The mere presence of Colloidal Silver near any virus, fungus or
bacterium (one-celled disease causing pathogens) will immediately
cripple their oxygen-metabolising enzyme, or chemical lung, which
suffocates and dies usually within six minutes. The dead organism
is subsequently cleared out of the body by the immune and lymphatic

Each of the
other man made antibiotics will kill only five or six types of germs.
Increasingly more and more bacteria is becoming resistant to these
antibiotics. These bacterium are commonly referred to as Super Bugs,
however they are unable to form a resistance to Colloidal Silver
which will kill not only the bacteria but also all forms of viruses,
a feat no man made antibiotic has managed to date! A further draw-back
of all other antibiotics is that they will destroy a variety of
the body’s essential enzymes, but Colloidal Silver doesn’t, disable
or harm in any way the many different human body enzymes, as these
enzymes are particularly different to the enzymes of single-celled
life. Colloidal Silver actually promotes healing with less resulting
scar tissue. No other antibiotic will do that.


There has never
known to have been a silver/drug interaction of any kind. The allophatic
prescription pharmaceuticals of today are no more likely to react
with silver in the body than did the surprisingly powerful herbs
from which they were developed and used for thousands of years,
right along with the silver. The chemical nature of silver is such
that inside the body it behaves to as to form no compounds that
are toxic, and when already in the colloidal and stabilised state,
is even further removed from any possibility of the tiniest of problems.
Colloidal Silver simply does not react with anything in the body
except a germs oxygen metabolising enzyme.


Disease organisms
can become resistant to regular antibiotics, triggering dangerous
super-infections. Conventional antibiotics are industrially developed
from toxins manufactured by other bacteria for their own defenses-
penicillin being a prime example. Disease organisms in the body
respond to this cultivated toxin of the conventional antibiotic
at about the same rate as they do to the original organism. This
is a long enough time that a mutation can, and often occur which
will make the organism immune to the particular antibiotic.

Colloidal Silver
is claimed to work relatively fast – mostly within six minutes
or less, upon contact within the body – that these disease
causing pathogens have no time to mutate into a resistant strain
as such a mutation requires far longer than the time silver needs
to kill the pathogen. In fact to date no pathogen or strain thereof,
has ever been known to mutate and develop resistance to silver in
several thousand years of the use of this remarkable substance.
To sum up no one celled organism or plant will ever be able to develop
immunity to silver.


Body tissues
having 5 parts per million (5 ppm) of Colloidal Silver will be free
of virus, fungus and bacterium. Silver particles are long lived
in the body because they do not enter into a reaction, but act catalytically.
A catalyst is a best described as a substance that brings about,
or causes a reaction or occurrence without itself participating
or being consumed. The Colloidal Silver acts as a catalyst in disabling
a particular enzyme, best described as chemical lung, as it transfers
oxygen and nutrients through the cell walls of the disease causing
organism. The organism suffocates! The mere proximity of silver
will cripple the activity of the particular enzyme common to all
viruses, funguses and bacteria – whilst not affecting the enzymes
of tissue type cells.


There have
been no allergenic reactions to silver reported in recorded history
of the medicinal use of Colloidal Silver, because Colloidal Silver
only affects the rate and occurrence of a pathogens oxygen –
metabolism activity as described in the foregoing section. However
Colloidal Silver does not react chemically within the body. Over
use of Colloidal Silver has only one effect, that is so called Argyria
which is the development of gray blue tinge of the fingernails and
the skin. What happens here is simply that the body starts to store
the excess silver in the tissue and collagen, which make up the
major part the finger nails. This condition however has no known
detrimental effect and will disappear once the Colloidal Silver
intake is reduced or discontinued for a while.


Mitosis –
the usual cell division in body tissue- is when two new, identical
cells are formed. When Colloidal Silver is present in the body tissue,
some of the divisions will be different. One duplicate cell and
one dedifferentiated cell are formed. The dedifferentiated cell
is like a baby cell that can change into any type of cell in the
body. It will naturally migrate to a part of the body where there
is tissue damage, where the cell changes to a local tissue type
cell, adding to the normal cell repair in the injured area and greatly
lessening scar tissue formation. This accelerated healing benefit
of Colloidal Silver was discovered by Robert O. Becker, MD and was
reported in his book, The
Body Electric

He and his
research colleagues observed a variety of cells which are primitive
in appearance, looking just like the active cells in bone marrow
of children. These cells grew fast, reproducing a diverse and surprising
assortment of primitive cell forms including fully dedifferentiated
cells and rounded fibroblasts.

Positive Silver
Becker states, produces large numbers of dedifferentiated cells,
overcoming the main problem of mammalian regeneration. Positive
Silver accelerates the healing process by over 50 percent. It is
obvious that in the aggregate they profoundly stimulate soft tissue
healing in a way unlike any known natural process He further stated
in his book: positive Silver kills all types of bacteria exiting
because no other single antibiotic worked uniformly against all
types of bacteria. Positive Silver he says, offers several advantages
over previous antibiotic substances. There are no ions beside silver
to burden the tissues. It works against all kinds of bacteria simultaneously
and even kills antibiotic resistant strains and fungus infections.


A fungus is
a series of single cells having tiny tubes of material on the cell
wall stretched between the cells. Whether more linear in its spread
and expand mode or alternatively more like a fabric in its reproductive
mode, a fungus still will exhibit that same characteristic of a
one celled bacterium, namely that particular type of chemical lung
which is immediately, completely and permanently disabled by the
presence of Colloidal Silver. Any fungus is killed within six minutes
of contact with silver in the body. The Colloidal Silver Simply
suffocates it!


A single virus
will invade a living cell of body tissue, then this insidious pathogen
will take over the nucleus of the cell and alter its re-productive
mechanism to replicate the virus, instead of the enzyme, hormone
or other chemical the cell would normally have produced for the
body within that cell. Later, the newly produced virus will be released
from that cell into the bloodstream. However another interesting
process happens. As the virus affects the cell for its own purpose,
part of the response of that living cell is that it reverts back
to a more primitive cell structure and chemistry. The oxygen metabolizing
enzyme in the cell wall reverts to a more primitive form also. This
more primitive form of enzyme is vulnerable to the effect of Colloidal
Silver. The catalytic effect of the Colloidal Silver simply by being
near the enzyme of this cell results in that enzyme becoming permanently
disabled. It cannot function to bring oxygen into the cell and that
virus host cell now dies. This process will take no more than six
minutes and the body will dispose of it as it would any other of
the millions of cells that end their usefulness each day.


AIDS is caused
by a particular type of virus attacking and destroying the body’s
immune system. Once that virus invaded a cell in the body, the cell
will respond in exactly the same way as described before, reverting
back to the primitive type structure and enzyme responsible to act
as its chemical lung, which is promptly crippled by the mere presence
of Colloidal Silver as stated before, the cell suffocates and dies
thus denying the virus to replicate. The Colloidal Silver kills
the mutated cell, virus and all! Colloidal Silver kills not only
present types of viruses, but future forms of any viruses as well.
YES, future! Because no matter how the virus mutates, it cannot
influence and change the way living body cells will respond to its

Colloidal Silver
kills all viruses, precluding future mutations as it also kills
the virus invaded cell within six minutes, and because of its catalytic
nature Colloidal Silver is not affected in the reaction, continuing
to kill other single celled pathogens nearby.


The mutation
of healthy cells into cancer cells occur continuously, even in healthy
bodies. But such cancer cells are destroyed by the body’s natural
immune system at a rate about the same as they occur, and when the
body condition is stable, there is nothing manifest that a healthy
person would experience as cancer. Some types of Cancer are reported
to be caused by a virus. Like with any virus, upon invading a body
tissue cell it will take over the cells reproductive chemical factory
thereby forcing the cell to replicate the virus instead, the cell
will revert to the primitive state thus enabling the Colloidal Silver
to be effective and kill the cancerous cell. A higher concentration
of Colloidal Silver means more immediate contact with any virus
or other pathogen.


Colloidal Silver,
as a preventative is unsurpassed. Sufficient Colloidal Silver taken
daily precludes infection, disease, contagion and serious burn toxicity.


Taking Colloidal
Silver daily is like having a second immune system. It lessens the
load on the body’s natural immune system and effectively kills the
many bugs present throughout the body. In addition, it lessens the
toxicity due to the average amount of germ, virus and fungus activity
that occurs naturally in the body. However, tests prove that, due
to the high absorption of silver in the small intestine, the friendly
bacteria in the large intestine are not affected. The second immune
system acts parallel to, and independent of the body’s own first
in line defense – a major advantage in warding off outbreaks
of influenza or any germ plague or pestilence.


Colloidal Silver,
as a preventative is unsurpassed. Sufficient Colloidal Silver taken
daily precludes infection, disease, contagion and serious burn toxicity.


Taking Colloidal
Silver daily is like having a second immune system. It lessens the
load on the body’s natural immune system and effectively kills the
many bugs present throughout the body. In addition, it lessens the
toxicity due to the average amount of germ, virus and fungus activity
that occurs naturally in the body. However, tests prove that, due
to the high absorption of silver in the small intestine, the friendly
bacteria in the large intestine are not affected. The second immune
system acts parallel to, and independent of the body’s own first
in line defense – a major advantage in warding off outbreaks
of influenza or any germ plague or pestilence.


daily Colloidal Silver is to have greater than five parts per million.
Recommended is a higher dose titration, as determined by kinesiology,
to an indication toward protection from all infection. To charge
tissues with large amounts of Colloidal Silver is to be ready for
any attack of germ and the inevitable biotoxins resulting from severe
burn injury!

When obtaining
Colloidal Silver preparation the strength of the product must be
taken in consideration. Tests have shown that preparations containing
less than 30 parts per million of silver are not effective, as the
amount of Colloidal Silver needed to bring the body’s silver to
an effective level would (with some 5ppm Ag products) require the
consumption of two litres of undiluted product a day! Fortunately,
advances in the manufacturing technology of Colloidal Silver allow
the manufacture of Colloidal Silver with 30 and 50+ mg. of Silver
per Litre.


An amazing,
yet still only partial list of more than 650 diseases that Colloidal
Silver has been used against include (in
alphabetical order): Acne, AIDS, allergies, appendicitis, arthritis
and athletes foot, bladder infection, blood parasites, blood poisoning,
boils, bubonic plagues and burns; cancer, candida, canine parvovirus,
chilblains, cholera, colitis, conjunctivitis and cystitis; dandruff
dermatitis, diabetes and dysentery; eczema and encephalitis; fibrositis;
gastritis and gonorrhea; hay fever and herpes; impetigo and indigestion;
keratitis, leprosy, leukemia, lupus, lymphangitis and lyme disease;
malaria and meningitis. Also, neurasthenia; parasitic infection,
pleurisy, pneumonia, prostate infection. pruritis ani, psoriasis
and purulent ophtalmia; rheumatism, rhinitis and ringworm; scarlet
fever, septic conditions (eyes ears, mouth and throat), seborrhea,
septicemia, shingles, staph and strep infections, stomach flu and
syphilis; thrush (yeast infection), thyroid infections, tonsillitis,
toxemia, trachoma, trench foot and tuberculosis; ulcerated stomach;
virus (all forms); warts and whooping cough and yeast infection


While Colloidal
Silver is used as a preventative against viruses, bacteria and funguses
through daily oral use; Colloidal Silver has been also applied directly
to open wounds and sores to eliminate surface infections. Apart
from its beneficial effect Colloidal Silver does not sting or burn.
Other antiseptics sting when applied to a wound because they are
killing the surrounding tissue cells as well as killing the germs.
But whilst Colloidal Silver kills the topical germs within six minutes,
it does not harm any surrounding tissues.

Acne: In addition
to omitting sugars,fats and chocolate from the diet, any person
with acne should wash and rinse the face thoroughly four times a
day; and after each rinsing, use a small amount of Colloidal Silver
and massage it onto the problem areas two to three times with a
finger or a tiny piece of cotton or tissue. This wash- rinse-massage
activity may be continued throughout an acne breakout, or better,
as a continuous prevention through the teen years. This continuous
habit precludes breakouts, leaving the skin continuously clear.
Most people find it helpful to carry a 50ml or 200ml bottle of Colloidal
Silver with them for availability throughout the day.

Cuts and abrasions:
Apply Colloidal Silver directly to the open wound and onto any dressing
used. Colloidal Silver may be used as the only medication on the
dressing, or it may be used with another medication.

Eczema and
skin rash: Dab Colloidal Silver directly onto affected area, rubbing
slightly. Repeat often to keep the area moist. Bandage lightly,
if desired, keeping the bandage moist with Colloidal Silver. Change
bandage daily. Warts: Cover the wart with a small adhesive bandage
saturated with a few drops of Colloidal Silver. Keep the bandage
moist. The wart should disappear within a few days. Large warts
may take a few days longer to disappear.


Optimum digestion:
Put all, or a fraction of the recommended daily amount of Colloidal
Silver, as determined by titration, into the beverage of choice
accompanying any meal. As the food is digested, the presence of
Colloidal Silver will keep the food from putrefying in the digestive
tract, killing any germs ingested with the food, and leaving the
food more useable. Also there will be no flatulence.

Parasitic infections:
To take an amount of Colloidal Silver, again as determined by titration
to preclude parasitic diseases caused by tiny, worm like animals
that burrow through a particular organ, or in some cases throughout
the entire body. In every case, these parasites reproduce by laying
eggs and these eggs have the same characteristics of the oxygen-metabolising
enzyme as the single celled bacterium. These eggs cannot hatch when
there is sufficient Colloidal Silver in the surrounding body tissue.
They are killed within a short time and subsequently eliminated
by the immune system. Diarrhea diseases: A number of diseases such
as cholera, canine parvovirus or other diseases, where the pathogen
resides mainly in the large intestine, can be fatal. The fatality
is mostly due to the dehydration of the body resulting from severe
and prolonged diarrhea and vomiting. The pathogen causing the problem
is active in the large intestine, the one place where Colloidal
Silver when used correctly will not penetrate. There are two different
methods to overcome this barrier.

The first is
to take a 200 ml glass dosed with Colloidal Silver together with
three or four big glasses of water on an empty stomach. This way
the Colloidal Silver will get into the large intestine and should
within a short time take care of the problem.

The other method
is by way of colonic irrigation the dose rate using a 50mg. Colloidal
Silver preparation is 15 ml per 200ml. of sterile water. This method
in fact brings the fastest relief from the disease, Medical literature
reports that Cholera has been cured with Colloidal Silver. Healing
crisis: This is a condition wherein the Colloidal Silver is killing
the pathogens very rapidly. The body’s five eliminatory systems,
the kidney, liver, skin, bowel and lungs become temporarily overloaded.
This especially is true in the case of overcoming AIDS with Colloidal
Silver. One may feel as though he or she has the flu. It is recommended
to continue the silver regimen, yet drink up to 4 liters of water
a day, take five or six grams of vitamin C and a high enema. Repeat
for two or three days. Please note if the healing crisis persists
see your local practitioner for additional advise.


Water purification:
Colloidal Silver is an excellent water purifier. Water stored with
one or two tablespoons of Colloidal Silver per 5 litres will be
safe and sweet tasting for a very long time. Water containing germ
contaminants (not toxic chemicals) can be made drinkable by adding
two to three tablespoons of Colloidal Silver per every 5 litres
of water. The Silver whilst purifying the water is also beneficial
to the body, unlike the commercial tablets containing toxic chlorine

To guard against
such water-borne diseases such as dysentery, the following airlines
now use either silver water filters or a well known Hydrogen Peroxide/Colloidal
Silver combination. British Airways, Swiss Air, Scandinavian Airlines,
Lufthansa, Air France, Canadian Pacific Airlines, Alitalia, KLM,
Japan Airlines and Pan Am. The Swiss and Australian Government has
approved either or both the silver water filters or the hydrogen
Peroxide/Colloidal Silver preparation which are now used in homes
offices and town water supplies.

After testing
23 methods of purifying water, NASA selected a silver system for
its space shuttle. Home-canned foods: One-half teaspoon of Colloidal
Silver per 1 liter in home-canned foods precludes the growth of
all bacteria, virus and fungus. As the food is consumed, the presence
of silver will aid in the digestion process by not allowing fermentation
of starches contained in the food, and will prevent the putrefaction
of protein or rancification of fats in the digestive tract. Neither
will there be a formation of gas in the bowel, nor food decay from
toxins to diminish a sense of well being.

Most commercial
food processing operations to date have elected to use preservatives
which, unlike Colloidal Silver, are toxic and poisonous to people.
were these commercial food processors to use Colloidal Silver instead,
it would yield the triple benefit mentioned above.

refrigeration: In addition to keeping prepared foods cool and well
sealed, add about one table spoon of Colloidal Silver per 1 liter
(volume) to picnic foods containing mayonnaise, dairy products,
or anything that has a potential for Salmonella growth and poisoning.
Stir in very well.

Leftovers and
Condiments: Mix about one quarter tablespoon of Colloidal Silver
into each container of mustard, ketchup or pickle relish. Mix one
half teaspoon into items that spoil more easily, i.e. mayonnaise,
milk etc. They will store longer, remain fresher and benefit digestion.


The following
conditions in animals, birds and fish have been successfully treated
with Colloidal Silver:

  • Bacteria
    and parasites in house pets, farm animals and birds.
  • Parvovirus
    in dogs.
  • Revival
    of belly-up goldfish.
  • Scours and
    undulant fever in cattle.


Silver can
fight deadly poisons also. Japanese firms have announced the following
startling technologies that use silver to purify air:

One company
converts 50 parts per million of carbon monoxide into harmless carbon
dioxide by passing the gas through a stack of screens coated with
silver compounds. Another uses silver compounds to remove vinyl
cyanide, methyl cyanide and hydrocyanic acid from its discharges.
Finally a gas chemical company removes all the 200 parts per million
of nitric oxide by passing the gas through its silver compounds.


Most chemistry
text books have a chapter on the colloidal state, as if it were
a special case. Actually, the colloidal state is the only state
for all living things.

Within fluid
water, the chemical elements of life occur in a flux of halves,
or opposite electrical pairs, always in motion and swapping these
molecular halves in complex chemical reactions that are the process
of growth and repair. In this flux of the body’s fluids are the
germ pathogens also, whose own molecular pairs interact with those
of the body as they strive to survive. They are all parasites that
attack and eat the body cells of the host person, dumping their
waste into the surrounding tissues and the bloodstream. When this
fluid flux contains an electrically charged ion or micro-particle
of Colloidal Silver, it selects from among the tissue cells of the
body only those disease causing pathogens and suffocates them catalytically,
simply by being there; then, unaffected drift on, to repeat the
process again and again.

The crystalline
state is the condition of dry, dead matter. Most medications are
in the crystallized state. The body must first convert them to the
colloidal state before they can be used. There is some expense to
the body in time, energy and effectiveness. During this process
some molecular pieces are left over, which burden the body with
their need to be eliminated. In the case of Colloidal Silver, nothing
is left!


Colloidal Silver
will react chemically with many of the 92 natural elements and compounds.
While many of these compounds are toxic, pure silver is non-toxic.
It acts only catalytically with the enzyme, or chemical lung of
single celled organisms. Pure Silver won’t dissolve in water, however
if pure silver is by some process divided into single atoms of micro-clusters
of fewer than 15 atoms each, given a positive electrical charge
and attached to a molecule of simple protein, it will float in and
throughout the pure water indefinitely, creating a so called colloidal
suspension. The force of electric charge is stronger than the force
of gravity, thus the particle remains suspended. Much has been written
and claimed by people displaying a fair amount of ignorance of the
workings of a colloidal substance mainly with regard to the color
of colloidal silver. True colloidal silver is a colorless liquid
because the micro-clusters of the silver are simply too small for
light to reflect back to the human eye (the particular wave length
of the reflected light determines the color we perceive) Many manufacturers
not being able to make a true colloidal silver preparation resort
to using food or other coloring agents to give the liquid a yellow
appearance because they somewhere have read that colloidal silver
should have a color to its liquid.

Color will
be noticed if one of the following conditions are present:

  • The Silver
    used is of a silver sulfide type and not very healthy (yellow,
    mainly used in the ceramic industry)
  • The Silver
    used is Silver Oxide (brownish, black in color)
  • The particles
    are too big in size
  • Food or
    other coloring dyes were used
  • If the silver
    loses its colloidal state and precipitate out of solution (mainly
    black) in this case the product will have lost its efficacy and
    should be disposed of as contrary to some advise to shake the
    bottle will not revert the silver particles to a colloidal state.

People are
best advised to stay clear of these products as they are in many
cases of dubious quality and most certainly have little or no beneficial
effect. If you have any doubt regarding the actual colloidal silver
content, ask the vendor for a Batch Sample Silver Analyses. Reputable
manufacturers will have Health Department approval for their manufacturing
facilities and have their Colloidal Silver batches analyzed and
the result of same available for their customers.


Keep Colloidal
Silver in the food storage, store it in glass containers only and
away from electrical appliances. Although glass breaks easier, glass
is the only material that will keep Colloidal Silver for any length
of time. DO NOT accept Colloidal Silver packaged in plastic as its
shelf life is minimal and the silver particles most likely will
plate out on the surface and hence are no longer in suspension.
There is an inherent electric charge in the hydrocarbon molecule
that will draw the charged silver particle out of solution, bonding
it to the side wall of the plastic container! You may not see it
but it’s there all right. The preparation is then unusable.

Do not store
Colloidal Silver in a refrigerator or freezer, as the long term
electric charge of the appliance can have the same effect on colloidal
silver as does storing it in a plastic container.


Some people
believe there may be a time in the foreseeable future when food
storage may be the only means of antibiotic/disinfectant for any
of us. Life would be very different then, with many items unavailable,
and a storage of Colloidal Silver could be life saving.

A very different
condition in the future could be rampant diseases, plagues from
contamination’s of the water and air through man made Bio-toxins
of germ warfare (as seen in the Strecker Memorandum video) Whatever
the source, either invasion or local error any military activity
can result in a major outbreak of anthrax or lesser causes resulting
in Salmonella poisoning. Another extreme threat for our immediate
future is the emergence of so called Super Bugs. Because of the
current over-use of pharmaceutical antibiotics today, many virus
and bacteria organisms will be immune to the conventional medicines!

Colloidal Silver
is not only a way of prevention now, but may possible be our best
choice to store for future use.


Colloidal Silver
and illness: The author of Body Electric Dr. R. Becker, noted
in his studies a correlation between low silver levels and illness:
Those who had low silver levels frequently were sick more often
with colds, flu, fever and other illnesses. He said he believes
a silver deficiency is the reason for the improper functioning of
the immune system and that silver is critical for the destruction
of bacteria and viruses. Becker’s experiments conclude that silver
works on a wide range of bacteria without any side effects and without
any damage to the cells of the body. Colloidal Silver and healing:
Becker also states that the silver ion was doing something more
than killing disease causing organisms. It was, he observed, facilitating
major growth stimulation of injured tissues. When human fibroblast
cells, which are common throughout the body, were exposed to silver,
they differentiated. That is, they changed into an embryonic general
cell, able to multiply at a great rate and then change into the
specialized cells of the organ or tissue that had been injured.
Even in patients over the age of 50 years, tissues healed as easily
as a child’s tissues.

Colloidal State
and Cancer: Again Becker concluded that in the presence of silver
ion, cancer cells change back to normal cells regardless of their
location in the body. He concluded that the presence of silver ion
regenerates tissues and eliminates cancerous cells as well as eliminating
other abnormal cells.

Dr. Bjorn Nordstrom
of Sweden’s Karolinska Institute has used silver in his cancer cure
methods for many years. he records that he has successfully cured
patients who had been diagnosed by other doctors as terminally ill.
Swimming pool water purification: Silver is widely used to purify
swimming pool water, and it does not sting as does chlorine. A dramatic
demonstration in Nebraska recently placed 250 liters of raw sewage
into a pool containing no disinfectant. A standard measure of fecal
contamination is the count of Escheri coli (E. coli) and organism
found in the human intestinal tract. The count soared to 7000 colony
forming E coli cells per milliliter of water. Subsequently the water
was flushed through a silver electrode array, which totally eliminated
the E.coli within three hours. Follow-up tests also shown the water
to be completely free of other one-celled organisms. Hydroponics
testing: Tests in a hydroponics greenhouse showed that Colloidal
Silver is absorbed and used by the living plant as are any other
minerals. Hydroponics is an ideal gardening method having only one
problem: Viruses, funguses and bacteria tend to thrive in the plant
nutrient fluid. Colloidal Silver is proven to kill every one of
the pathogens, and without any consequence to the nutrient medium
or to the delicate plants. In addition, the plants ingested the
silver through their roots, thus becoming a source of the silver
minerals for human consumption.

Overdose testing:
In laboratory tests since 1985 researchers knew that overdose testing
needed to be performed. One lab technician involved in the project
from the beginning, volunteered himself as a guinea pig for the
first project. He consumed 1 liter of water dosed with a high concentration
of Colloidal Silver for a period of several weeks. The chemistry
of his body fluids was monitored, as was his general well being
(colds flu headaches etc.). He was especially observed for any change
in skin color to see if the technicians skin would develop a gray
pallor of Argyria. He had no change of color in his skin, felt more
vigorous and alert and experienced no aches or colds etc. Others
in the laboratory repeated the test themselves finding the same

UCLA study:
It is claimed that some years ago an independent research laboratory
sent to the University of California in Los Angeles a sample of
Colloidal Silver to be tested against AIDS and anthrax. UCLA undertook
the tests and proved conclusively that Colloidal Silver was highly
effective in remedial applications against both disease pathogens.
The independent researcher has obtained the same results in his
own laboratory, and sought confirmation from UCLA. When the UCLA
laboratory director called to confirm those findings, the director
of the independent laboratory asked to have as the test results
on a letter bearing the UCLA letterhead. However he was advised
that a payment of U$ 10,000 was required for this letter. The UCLA
lab report confirming the effectiveness remains unofficial.


  • Argyria
    or Argyrosis: a condition of skin having a gray blue pallor caused
    by excess silver being stored in the skin Bacteria: Morphologically
    simplest group of organisms of various species concerned in fermentation,
    putrefaction and the production of disease.
  • Collagen:
    the protein contained in connective tissue and bones and finger
  • Colloidal
    state: a system of particles in a dispersion medium in which the
    particle diameters are between 10-7 and 10-9m, i.e. between true
    molecular solution and a coarse suspension.
  • Enzyme:
    a protein capable of catalyzing a chemical reaction necessary
    of the cell.
  • Fibroblast:
    is the nucleus cell responsible to manufacture the cells and enzymes
    of the body’s immune system.
  • Lymphatic
    System: are vessels within our body conveying the so called lymph,
    a clear to yellow slightly alkaline fluid derived from the tissue
    of the body (primary part of the body’s sanitation system).
  • Silver:
    Ag precious metal one of the earliest known metals contained in
    earth’s crust at a concentration of 0.1ppm and in seawater at
    0.01 PPM.
  • Titration:
    to ascertain the required quantity of a substance by volume or
    weight which exactly fulfills certain given requirements.
  • Virus: infective
    disease agent, smaller than a micro-organism and requiring living
    cells for multiplication.

6, 2012

© 2012 Silver
Education Coalition