Republicans to Obama: How About the Bowles Plan?

“That would be a lose/lose for them. They don’t get the
lower tax rates OR the spending cuts, OR entitlement

Boehner has already indicated he’s willing to raise taxes on
people who make over $250,000 a year.

John Boehner doesn’t want spending cuts. He gets more power the
more money he spends. He wants to appear to be a fiscal
conservative to his base–but he wants to keep spending to enhance
his power. That’s a win/win for him.

He doesn’t want entitlement reform. That’s the third rail of
politics! You can propose things, but that doesn’t mean he’d
actually do them.

“Then recess for Christmas and force the D’s to accept the
sequester cuts half of the fiscal cliff.”

The markets are involved. What’s good for the stock market in
the short term, and what’s good for the economy over the long
term–those aren’t the same thing. When the market reacts to
spending cuts, both sides will cave immediately.

Given the spending cuts in the fiscal cliff, I’d rather go over
the cliff–I prefer more taxes and less spending to just more
taxes. The problem is that John Boehner doesn’t want less spending.
I don’t understand why you think he does.

He was never serious about cutting spending before–but this
time he really means it, why? He’s just gonna drink his paycheck,
come home drunk, and beat us again. And then he’s gonna blame it
all on us!

It was easier to cut spending when he had a Republican in the
White House. Why would he want to cut spending now?