Have You Had Your Magnesium Level Checked?

Dr. David Brownstein

by Dr. David Brownstein:
Nail in the Coffin for Bisphosphonate Drugs

Have you had
your magnesium levels checked? Magnesium is a very important mineral
that is used in over 300 different biochemical reactions. Unfortunately,
magnesium levels have significantly declined in recent years. The
best food sources of magnesium include green vegetables, legumes,
nuts and seeds as well as unrefined grains. Eating a diet largely
consisting of refined foods will ensure magnesium deficiency.

My clinical
experience has clearly shown that magnesium deficiency is occurring
at epidemic rates. Over half of new patients that I see are magnesium
deficient on rbc magnesium testing (red blood cell testing). Serum
magnesium tests are worthless.

A recent study
showed low blood levels of magnesium had a 25% increased risk of
stroke. The researchers studied over 14,000 subjects for nearly
15 years. The rate of stroke was highest among the subjects with
diabetes and hypertension. What is a direct cause of diabetes and
hypertension? You guessed it, low levels of magnesium.

the rest of the article

8, 2012

Brownstein, M.D. is a Board-Certified family physician and is one
of the foremost practitioners of holistic medicine. He is the Medical
Director of the Center for Holistic Medicine in West Bloomfield,
MI. Dr. Brownstein has lectured internationally to physicians and
others about his success in using natural hormones and nutritional
therapies in his practice.

© 2012 Dr. David Brownstein